There are generic programs. And then there are programs that are life-changing, that break through the false and unconscious, that are loyal to nothing but the uncompromising mission — to explore, understand, and enable human's real capabilities. This is makespace™.

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What we do

We don't coach people — we do something else.

We bring human powers to life by educating and training our clients in the art of consciousness; to become aware of themselves and their surroundings — beyond the limiting beliefs of mindset, culture and norm. This brings a new level of clarity. And with that, professional skills in judgment, assessment and decision-making.

We help people develop an ability to see cause; the advance of positive kind of work. Our mission is to stay loyal only to the realities of the human potential, nothing else. And it’s based on that, all of our clients experience results that go beyond the limits of making sense.

More about A NEW GAME

play aNOTHER game?

play a new game?


This is a physical 2 h session. You will experience a new sense of development that takes you to A NEW GAME. Results beyond emerge as a natural effect — simple.


upon request

Get in touch to create your bespoke offer

We offer three programs depending on your current position; intro, leaders and executive. Each program include group sessions, education and reflection as well as individual tailor-made training.


starting at 35 000 SEK

Get in touch to create your bespoke offer

We provide an analysis of the needs (the actual target) and set in motion the right development activities in order to execute. Where others only provide support on different activities, we assume that the initial understanding of the required activities is wrong, based on an inaccurate perspective. Because it always is. Harsh? Just facts. That same mindset brings you results beyond.


upon request

Get in touch to create your bespoke offer

Want to be inspired in the area of human potential and get to know why people are really not that normal, and why 30 on a scale 1 to 10, is reasonable, let us know. (speaker = Fredrik)


upon request

Get in touch to create your bespoke offer
ELSE.  We don't coach people,
We DO something else.
People, we do
something else .