creativity and clarity
that’s our core
where others trust in limitations 
we break the law
— enters A NEW GAME

A NEW GAME represent a philosophy that centers around the true human being, both intellectually and in practice, where additional ”layers” surrounding the core, have a clear purpose of fulfilling man’s health and individual and collective progress. In short: Man is in ownership of the systems instead of the the other way around. 

The human abilities are immense, her potentials are infinite. Though, today’s culture, bureaucracy and mindset have huge limiting effects, only allowing a fraction of possible results to materialize. Unconsciously, the term ”normal” has come to define today’s standards of operations, about what’s good and what’s bad, success and failure. And it’s all based on an illusion that the human being is rational. If you google normal, you get suggestions of information on what is not normal. Adhd, mental issues, talking to yourself. So, not being normal equals something bad. Now, that’s the culture we’re operating in.

So, how normal (rational) are we? The answer: not very. Only 5% of the population is deemed ”normal” when studied over 59 unique variables. So, in reality 5% are abnormal, because they’re normal…The human being is irrational. This is her strength: her great multitude of abilities, creative yet systematic, abstract yet precise. But she operates in a rational box of norms. This is why the ”normal” game doesn’t make any sense. 

We have a choice to make here. Accept the game as it is or revolt and create a new game. That’s what it comes down to. A New Game exists because of the latter. And our clients experience a new level of results, because of it.

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